NOTE: Homemade teeth whitening methods involving baking soda are very effective. However, they should not be used more than three times a week. Excessive use of baking soda for the purpose of whitening teeth can actually have a reverse effect, causing enamel to break down, increasing sensitivity, This makes teeth more suspectible to staining and damage.

Strawberries and baking soda.


  • Mash two strawberries into a bowl to create a paste.
  • Add one teaspoon of baking soda into the strawberry paste and mix it in.
  • Using a toothbrush, take some of the mixture and rub it into your teeth for a few minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth out thoroughly and floss out any remaining strawberry seeds.

~ strawberries contain an enzyme called malic acid, which assists in whitening teeth.

Oil pulling.


  • Measure a tablespoon of oil (coconut or sesame oils are most commonly used).
  • Swish the oil around your mouth for anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes. The longer you swish for, the more effective this method is.
  • Spit the oil into a trash can. Avoid spitting it into a sink or toilet, as this can cause blockages. Do NOT swallow the oil, as the oil pulling method pulls toxins from your mouth that you don’t want in your system.

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.


  • In a small bowl, combine two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda.
  • Stir the two ingredients into a paste and brush it onto your teeth.
  • Keep the mixture on your teeth for about a minute, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly so that no hydrogen peroxide or baking soda is left on your teeth.

~ hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent, so it is very effective in whitening teeth.

Coconut oil and activated charcoal.


  • Melt two tablespoons of coconut oil in a small saucepan.
  • Once the oil is melted, pour it into a small bowl, and mix half a teaspoon of activated charcoal in.
  • Swish this mixture around your mouth for between 10 and 20 minutes.
  • Spit the mixture into a trash can, so as to not block any sinks. and rinse your mouth with water.
  • Note: Be careful not to spill any of the activated charcoal powder, as it will be hard to remove from any surfaces, and may stain.

Banana peel.


  • Peel a banana and gently rub the inside of the peel on your teeth for around two minutes.
  • After completing this method, brush your teeth as normal.
  • Rinse your mouth with water.

Lemon and baking soda.


  •  Cut a slice of lemon and squeeze the juice into a small bowl.
  • Add enough baking soda to the lemon juice to form a thin paste. The mixture should bubble slightly.
  • Apply the mixture to your teeth and leave it there for around thirty seconds.
  • Gently brush the mixture off your teeth with a toothbrush.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly, making sure there is no mixture left sitting on your teeth, as the acid from the lemon can start to cause damage to tooth enamel.

Apple cider vinegar.


Option 1:

  • Pour a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a small bowl.
  • Rub the apple cider vinegar directly onto your teeth.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, making sure none of the apple cider vinegar is left on your teeth.

Option 2:

  • Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water.
  • Swish the mixture around in your mouth.
  • Rinse your mouth out thoroughly with water.



  • Pour some high qualiy turmeric powder into a small bowl.
  • Wet your toothbrush, dip it into the powder, and brush your teeth with it, making sure it is spread onto all your teeth. Leave it on for a minimum of five minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly, and then brush your teeth as normal. 

Coconut oil, turmeric, baking soda and essential oils.


  • Combine equal parts of coconut oil, turmeric powder and baking soda with a few drops of either peppermint, spearmint or cinnamon bark essential oil, to create a paste.
  • Brush your teeth with this mixture and then rinse your mouth with  water.

~ the comination of coconut oil, turmeric and baking soda is antibacterial, and very effective at removing plaque.

Orange peel and salt.


  • Get an orange and carefully cut a piece of the skin off.
  • Sprinkle the white

~ the comination of coconut oil and baking soda is antibacterial, and very effective at removing plaque.

Don’t have the products suggested in these homemade teeth whitening recipes? We’ve got you covered. There is so much stuff available on Amazon! Click HERE to have a look.